AR Medical Certification App by

AR Medical Certification

While augmented reality is a relatively recent development in the world of interactive multimedia design, many medical organizations are beginning to see its potential to advance the way we approach medical training and certification. As the widespread deployment of new AR applications continues across the software development landscape, the benefits from using a method to deliver sophisticated remote learning experiences are becoming clear and compelling. Many medical institutions are looking to find more cost effective ways to implement and maintain viable curricular in a remote learning, social distancing environment. Web AR offers much more flexibility than native app AR, and requires less financial investment and development time. Now anyone can take full advantage of AR effects, with no download or installation required.

As a leading innovator in the world of interactive multimedia, DDA has launched, a company devoted specifically to the development of state-of-the-art AR applications for health and medical organizations. has created a list of potential AR medical applications to inspire prospective clients and to show just how much augmented reality can do. AR Medical Certification is one of the many examples where augmented reality can make a real impact on the world of modern healthcare and medical instruction.


In a rapidly changing world, web based AR can make a real practical contribution to the world of medical training. The intuitive, immersive and completely flexible format, combined with innovative and diverse methods of instruction, and an efficient delivery system that streamline software delivery and requires no additional input for the end user to activate, makes web based AR one of the leading methods to develop new and ambitious apps.


By using the camera on a smartphone or tablet as the source of its interface, augmented reality creates an immersive and interactive format. A wide range of 3D virtual data can be combined with actual elements in a user's unique vantage point, and the virtual world can be designed to mesh seamlessly with the actual perspective. This way, procedural information can be demonstrated with 3D modeling for the student to duplicate. Medical training can also include detailed equipment simulations, 3D avatars, and 3D virtual objects can be manipulated in real time. Floating text, charts, and other graphics can be introduced into the view to link information to both real and virtual objects for enhanced medical training. High resolution graphics provide vivid photorealistic detail, and efficient graphic speeds make it possible for AR instructions to be delivered in real time, with operational arrows and audio prompts for a completely immersive experience. Virtual instruction can be delivered in-situ, to provide a comprehensive training solution that takes a trainee from an initial, risk-free online training simulation to an augmented situation where users interact with patients, with guided instructions and tests that gauge their skills. Audio comments from instructors or team members can be delivered in real time. Performance can be tracked, studied, and evaluated for grades and certifications.


AR Medical Certification has the potential to be developed into a comprehensive platform for many types of certification program. Students can absorb a large amount of information in its most effective combination, receive rigorous training for the associated tasks required of a medical professional, and attain a higher degree of hands-on familiarity of the information without the associated risks normally encountered with traditional education models.

Web-based AR is immersive, with greater levels of photorealism and graphic speed, and Introduces a complete e-learning experience within a real-time 3D environment. It is scalable, so more procedures and applications can be phased into a curriculum. Web-based AR is more cost effective than other development models, with savings in initial investment costs, and the ability to employ virtual environment instead of expensive equipment. Augmented reality also lowers risks and liabilities in the training and certification process. Finally, web-based AR is more convenient for the end user, with no required downloads and a seamless and compelling learning experience.

New medical training techniques will be developed for all sorts of remote learning and certification programs. By intersecting real world medical environments with virtual tools, students can have more direct development of manual skills in association with medical knowledge than previously possible. The advent of augmented reality allows trainees to carry out procedures and discuss medical concepts in real time, attain real time assessment of tasks, and track their performance over time.

About launched its first AR project in 2009, and is excited about the many opportunities for innovation and advancement in AR for the medical and healthcare fields. Their fully degreed and experienced team of professional software designers and programmers, multimedia specialists and 3d animators, graphic designers and project managers can handle every aspect of a software project in house, without the use of third-party outsourcing. This approach allows to keep in close contact with the client during the entire course of the project. Streamlining production costs, delivering maximum practical value to its clients, and responding to changes in the software development landscape allows to provide services that others can't match. To learn more about augmented reality and how it will enhance online medical training and certification, contact today.

Augmented Reality Concepts by DDA

Making Reality Cooler, Better, Smarter


Clinical Practice | Surgery | Doctor Office | Exercise | Medication | Medical Education
Electronic Health Records | Patient Information | Medical Device Operation
Sciences | Pharmaceutical | Medical Specialties

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