Nurse Midwife AR App by

Certified Dialysis Nurse Training AR

Augmented reality and its immersive and interactive properties are beginning to make their way into more software applications, and the medical community will be able to take full advantage of its capabilities. The key feature of augmented reality is its unique ability to enrich and enhance a customized experience by layering in real time, dynamically responsive virtual graphics onto a user's camera view. The recent introduction of ARKit and ARCore, Apple and Android's respective new AR development platforms, has opened up the possibilities for entrepreneurs and software developers to create AR applications for a broader landscape of users and industries.

Now anyone with a smartphone or tablet can have access to state-of-the-art augmented reality experiences. is a leading developer of augmented reality applications, with a specific focus on AR apps for the medical community. As a response to the advent of ARKit and ARCore, has come up with a number of new concepts that provide immediate practical value for the health care industry. Nurse Midwife AR is an augmented reality medical concept believes will make a positive impact on midwife training for nurses nationwide.


ACME, or The Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education, is the regulatory body that currently monitors and certifies nurses for midwifery education and certification. Midwife training for nurses has become increasingly popular in recent years, with estimated growth rates of 31% by 2022. Nurse Midwife AR will follow the curricular standards currently used by ACME and place them in an augmented reality context. Nurses can use the application to learn the process of midwifery, gain proficiency with the process, and receive detailed real time information to work closely with physicians and to provide patients with the best standard of care before, during, and after childbirth. Augmented reality can provide real time, interactive floating text information as a complement to the delivery process and allow nurses to attain the certification.


Nurse Midwife AR has the potential to be used by the nurses nationwide as an effective method to achieve certification, and for ACME to further develop and enforce its standards. Nurse Midwife AR can also be incorporated into well-established midwifery programs. Bolstering procedural information with the immersive and interactive properties of AR, Nurse Midwife AR provides hands-on, real-world training, and detailed real-time information delivery to enhance the training and certification process. Once its benefits are firmly established in the medical community, Nurse Midwife AR could be used as a standardized tool for ACME and other midwife certification bodies to both train nurses and to provide real world assistance in the process of midwifery.


The Nurse Midwife AR app will be accessed through smartphone or tablet. The training process for midwives typically requires three full time years; Nurse Midwife AR will follow ACME's program structure closely to achieve the most standardized and widely accepted results. Augmented reality's ability to incorporate textbook information in an immersive context where textual details are layered into the environment in real time act as ‘flash cards' delivered at the precise time you need them in the delivery process. Nurses can add notes using hands-free voice recognition to create a detailed log during delivery. Conventional deliveries will be covered, as well as medical and surgical interventions. In the event of complications during delivery, Nurse Midwife AR helps keep the situation calm with floating text captions that provide key information just when it's needed the most. A tool list for an interventional procedure will appear, and operational graphics associated with the tools will ensure proper use at a critical moment.

List of Basic Recommended Tools

  • fob watch
  • lanyard
  • high-speed thermometer
  • stethoscope
  • blood pressure cuff
  • small scissors

Operational graphics are dynamic virtual rotational arrows and directional vectors that appear during a training session with real time precision. They are widely employed in AR applications for instruction, and can be used in Nurse Midwife AR to indicate the use of forceps and other tools, including real-time tips for common errors to avoid. When a trainee scans a birthing suite with Nurse Midwife AR, all of the details will be labeled. In sessions with a prospective mother, a nurse can be guided through each step in sequence; measuring heartbeat, blood pressure, etc. If a mother-to-be has any questions, Nurse Midwife AR will have an FAQ ready at hand. For home visitations, Nurse Midwife AR can help bring the birthing suite with you, with visual suggestions about how to set up a well equipped birthplace in the home setting.


DDA has made significant contributions in nearly all forms of digital interactive multimedia design and development, and garnered Tabby Awards in both 2012 and 2014 for two of its own original tablet applications. The company founded to respond to the introduction of ARKit and ARCore, and to act as a full-service interactive multimedia company with a specific focus on the design and development of augmented reality applications. From the launch of its first augmented reality application in 2009, employs a logical and iterative approach to software development, with a highly experienced team of professional designers, programmers, and multimedia specialists.

By applying its comprehensive skill set to every project, is able to handle all aspects of the project in house, without resorting to third-party contractors. interacts closely with their clients during every phase of the process, resulting in a fully integrated and tested end user experience that performs flawlessly across every platform and every device. Whether the project requires continuing medical education (CME) and other eLearning platforms to videos, animations, mobile apps, and more, is ready to deliver. Learn more about Nurse Midwife AR and the future of medical augmented reality applications, and contact today.

Augmented Reality Concepts by DDA

Making Reality Cooler, Better, Smarter


Clinical Practice | Surgery | Doctor Office | Exercise | Medication | Medical Education
Electronic Health Records | Patient Information | Medical Device Operation
Sciences | Pharmaceutical | Medical Specialties

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