DDA Wins Tabby Awards in 2012 and 2014

Our Awards

Winner of the Tabby Award for the best iPad healthcare app of 2012 and best healthcare and pharmaceutical iPad app of 2014.

2011 best in class for iPad apps award for the Philips Xperguide eLearning Tool.

The ten most dependable search engine marketing firms of the United States.

DDA Medical Receives Two Unsolicited Awards for Excellence in Healthcare Communication as well as Outstanding Achievement in Website Design and Internet Technology

DDA Medical Receives Two Unsolicited Awards for Excellence in Healthcare Communication as well as Outstanding Achievement in Website Design and Internet Technology

Health Communication Award Recipients Announced

Health Communication Award Recipients Announced

With great pride, DDA Medical announces the medical website,, which was designed, developed, video enhanced, and search engine optimized by our team of professionals, has received the esteemed 2006 Aesculapius Award. The Aesculapius Awards of Excellence are given to producers of health-related radio and television PSAs (public service announcements) and World Wide Websites that the judges of the Health Improvement Institute (HII) consider excellent in communicating health information to the public. As only one PSA and one website receive the top prize each year – the official Aesculapius Award – this is quite an honor.

Read More Outstanding Achievement Award Outstanding Achievement Award

For its uniqueness in website design, comprehensive body of knowledge, and contribution to the medical industry, was honored with the Outstanding Achievement Award from in June 2007. This is the second major unsolicited award bestowed on It is a significant mark of achievement to be given recognition from since this online authority conducts regular reviews of websites and only honors those that make notable contributions to the women's health community. The last award was given in 2005.

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Augmented Reality Concepts by DDA

Making Reality Cooler, Better, Smarter

Safety Concept